ONE-Dyas B.V. has operated block F06b in the Dutch sector of the North Sea since 2019. Together with partners EBN (40.0%) and Dana Petroleum (13.3%), we are developing the F06-IJssel field, which will be produced through the upcoming F06-A platform. The platform will be located about 200 kilometers north of Den Helder.
The F06-IJssel gas & oil field is located approximately 200 km north of Den Helder in the geological basin of the Dutch Central Graben, south of the producing F03-FB field.
The F06-IJssel structure is a broad four-way-dip closure of the Tertiary Lower North Sea group. Subcropping within the closure are the Upper Cretaceous Chalk and Upper Jurassic Scruff groups. The subcropping units get progressively older towards the south. Hydrocarbons have accumulated in the sandstones of the Upper Jurassic Scruff group. Top seal of the trap is provided by the shales of the Lower North Sea group.
The process
The F06-A platform will be equipped for basic functionality: well streams will be combined in the separator, with the gas and oil then directly piped to the F02-Hanze host platform.
In 2017, ONE-Dyas acquired equity in block F06. Exploration licences were awarded for blocks F06c and F06d the following year. In 2019, the company took over operations in the combined F06b, c and d blocks. In December of the following year, ONE-Dyas discovered the F06-IJssel field with exploration well F06-07. The discovery was subsequently appraised by wells F06-08 and F06-09, with all three confirmation the presence of gas and oil. A production licence is been granted in December 2023 for development of field F06-Ijssel.
Safety and environment
The F06-A satellite platform is designed to produce the F06-IJssel field by operating under all weather conditions. As a Normally Manned Installation (NMI), it will incorporate a helideck with a Walk-to-Work landing.
The platform will receive electrical power from the host platform. The lifecycle CO2 footprint is very low compared to the industry average, with further reductions being investigated through the installation of wind turbines. Further reductions are being investigated, for example the installation of wind turbines on the platform.